Sunday, 24 June 2018

Making Relationship Work

Love is ageless, any love that fades is not real, any love that dwindles is not strong..
Don't be deceived, be calm but smart to know who is dating you..

If you refused to face reality; you end up in dead relationship.


โˆš First, you must realize that one person doesn't keep relationship, is a collective effort in communication, attention, care and aspirations.

โˆš The most welcome response to LOVE is Reciprocation.
If you can't reciprocate that feeling, love, attention, time, passion, you will eliminate "Value" and "happiness" in your relationship.

โˆš Say what you want in a relationship; procrastination, won't make it work..
Time is to expensive in love..

โˆš Relationship is a sickler, love is the doctor, happiness is its drugs..
If your love is fake it won't work..

โˆš Making relationship work entails self control and discipline.
Without it, you're dating for fun..

โˆš Remove "Trust" from any relationship, you're making monkery of yourselves.
To make it work, you MUST trust your partner.

โˆš Learn to admit your fault and shut up when your right...
Relationship is not a law Court..

โˆš Don't say you won't talk about it. No! Learn to listen and hear him/her out..
Is a place of correction not condemnation.

โˆš There is nothing more destructive in a relationship than selfishness..
Change the language from " I" to " We"....

โˆš Don't date for merriment; date for marriage.
It will guide and guard your intention to your destination.

โˆš Is good to talk about marriage in your relationship, but don't promise when you're not ready...

โˆš If your Ex is still in the picture, you won't move forward, let your present have your attention...

Look beyond what you can gain and focus on how to make it work for marriage..

In God We Trust..


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